Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Going To Take A Shower

Hot, going to take a shower. Have to. Tired. Must. Also, for all this "dehydration", must drink: WATER. And, reduce this beer intake. Not that I'm drinking heavily or anything, but I am steady of late, my other supplemental skin related pills aren't taking any effect with my red bumps on my skin, the damn "psoriasis" or whatever the hell it might be. And on that score, I've got some FUMERIC ACID coming in a few days, that will I hope REALLY do the trick in regards getting rid of this dreaded skin difficulty. It's supposedly what the "problem" is with the body that has this condition, it's a lack of Fumeric Acid. And, meanwhile, one is not supposed to drink or eat a lot of high sugar foods, etc. Don't dehydrate basically.
Okay, so, shower, hydrate, skin drinks water...why not? Moving on. Moving on...now something else to do...sleep in some, and move on from here. Move on.

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