Saturday, January 17, 2015


‎NO. NO NO NO. Just because it's a book, a story, fact, or legend, doesn't necessarily make it great or even good. A book, the laws, rules, regulations, philosophy, psychological intent, the forces which commence after the ideas, knowledge inside, are taken and made action upon doesn't for all make good. Once you believe in a book, it doesn't always follow you're better, or that the world is. Not no way, not no how. 
 THIS doesn't mean the book has to be burned, destroyed completely, or banned, kept from libraries, schools, bookstores, or general use. It should still exist. Just because. It's a record. It's valuable knowledge. The information can illuminate for example, say, how stupid we can be. How ignorant we were. Knowing about its existence could be just enough. A good or great motivation for doing, being better, trying for our best behavior. Some times the best response in a situation or circumstance,  is NO RESPONSE. None whatsoever.

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