Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hot Dry Weather Welcome To Fall In Southern California

 FUG! Every fugging year it's the same thing. Why doesn't anyone, the one's who complain about how ugly dry hot it is, the Santa Ana/Santana's Wind(s), those counter clockwise winds/front, coming down from northern Utah/Nevada, picking up speed as they get here, well, it makes people go crazy, it does, and so what? EVERY YEAR, esp sic at about NOW, there's this 'wind', and constant dry skin crinkly itchy irri-fecki-tating "condition", and people complain like, it's FALL! There's no FALL weather. No rain. Sure there is. From time to time there's rain, and though I know it's been dry and a 100 year drought going on, more people now than 100 years ago here. We buy our water and we punish our citizens for using it, and they scrimp and save and we don't use as much and have to charge them higher prices next year and it's just not fair. Farmer's use the most, but so what? STOP complaining. You're Stupid! REMEMBER! Each and every year, it's the same damn thing. The rains really hit in JANUARY/FEBRUARY. So Shut The Front Door. I don't want to hear about it any more.

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