Sunday, March 15, 2015


66 degrees at 4:39 of a Sunday morning. RUN!!! It takes a couple of days for the water to heat up in the pool when the surrounding temperatures have risen. Despite how hot it is outside. Yeah. Run! Or not. Swim. Not for me. Not today. Rough night. Went so many places, not all of them pretty, friendly, or fun. One such was on a thin, narrow beam, down to a, ah, er, uhm, 'sunless sea'. And the word was, imminent, well, eminent, as in eminent domain. They, those who were facing ocean front property in Arizona, were told;  "We're going to take your houses away and start the war". That was the story and people were deciding whether to end their lives at that point, but some little voice inside said NO! Not going to do that. And somehow it stopped. The nightmare had ended and it was all over from there.

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