Friday, February 27, 2015

Light Where There Wasn't Any Before

Heaven was dark. Spock dies, and then:

"Suddenly, there was light in the dark room." Someone says, in Hangul. A pretty, tall, Koren-born woman, with long, black hair, speaking in an Australian accent, when she says it in English.

 And actually, also on this date, (in 2003 was it?), Fred Rogers, "MR. ROGERS", died. Yes. True. Correct. Just a few days ago, Venus, Mars and the Moon were all sorted out near one another. Heck, just a couple of days ago, I noticed Jupiter in the East, Moon overhead, and then in the West, Venus and nearby but slightly off that line, tiny red light Mars. Not too shabby for some celestial shenanigans. Wonder what they were up to on this date in 2003? Can someone find out for me? No one cares, SpongeBob, I know. But, it'd be nice to know, see if any of this correlates. It doesn't, but would be cool if it did.

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