Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Mood Is Right

I can write here while micturating. Ol' "Ernst" would be proud. One hand thumb typing while true sentence back there, a bit slow, but accurate as hell w/out too many tries. I say as I screw up some again. Tired but not enough to get off this thing.
The deal is to write or to read with this thing and so far it's just been Facebook commentaries, a few text messages, and some emails. I mean I've put on some voice notes and some text, and have taken some cool photos, but haven't gotten writing software going.
Sent my short and quickly expiring July Journal here, and it exists in an email to Nick, but I cannot as of yet get my nut around this Niagra machina to cough up some writing fun! Slightly numbing. I just attempted a "media" load on/through my PC via this here "mobile", but nothing doing!!!!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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