Friday, November 25, 2016
An Apology From The Multiverse
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Can't Recall If This Works Or Not
Nope. Might as well try however. Should be meditating. There's much to be concerned. Earthquakes, Floods, Wars, Bad Weather in general. Death of this that the other person. My sister's medical needs. Everyone. So strong the desire to sit here and pass the day away. Not go to work, nothing. Sad. That's just way too much. New week ahead and new training in a new job. Be of good cheer. Enjoy.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Saturday, July 02, 2016
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Roo Humps Pig
What's of note is what kind of kids would they have? Would they be well taken care of? Would we have to know about it, would we be made to care?
Tuesday, June 07, 2016
What Malcolm Gladwell Missed About the 10,000-Hour Rule |
What's also missing is and you can't study it either, is, what aesthetically the differences are between the "players" whether bankers or whatever, is, some folks just can't hack it. Some are terrible people and should never do these things. Some want to so bad, but simply NEVER WILL become the coveted "thing" they so desire. And folks will just say simply of them, it just wasn't in the stars. Let's face it you can't just study to be Prince Charles and then study and become him. Some things some people will just never be.
Saturday, June 04, 2016
Isn't That Odd
Each generation comes and goes, thinking that it's THE end. It's not, not for them, not for us. Not unless they're swept away by the tidal wave, or, Tsunami, because a tidal wave is the wave of the beginning or end of the high or low tide. It's only about ankle high. Yet it's only a teaspoon required up the nose to drown perhaps, but the Japanese word, Tsunami better fits, regardless if it is or isn't a Dragon at the bottom of the Sea slapping its tale on the sea bottom, which causes the storm of water that gets you, even though clearly the tide could.
Each generation on this old glob, and it is a glob, mostly covered with water, but called Earth, for some reason, thinks it's the end for them. And quite rightly for them it is. Buildings fall down, bridges collapse. The earth quakes. Drought and Pestilence kills many. But, isn't it odd, this mythos, the myth of The End, is ingrained almost within each of us? With every generation? Isn't that odd?
And do we ever ask how or why? And why do we even bother? There's no answer forthcoming, is there? Isn't that odd?
Is it just a perspective deal? Earth. Covered mostly with Water. Okay. We call it earth. Anywhere down we dig and it's molten, lava, hot, hell, liquid too.
Not stable. Always in perpetual change as it were.
If not slightly irritated, then at least gently perturbed. Our natural state perhaps? The earth, us? And while people come and go, dreaming and scheming, the earth for the most part, abides, just like The Dude. And yet somehow we know it will all pass. Our lives. Its lives, the planets, stars, all in good time, My Dearie. All in good time. It's good or not good to be a meteor, all atoms aglow, and, Jack, (Mr. London), you're wrong, a planet is not permanent or even sleepy. But, you're right, in relative context, perspective, it is. Humans come and go faster than the heavens, as it were. How do we know this? Why? Because we want to? Because we have to, to survive or exist with any sense of humor, proportion? That we know and or knew all along, this mythos these mysteries, tales, all along the way. Isn't it odd?
Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Woke from a dream this morning where I was walking along a trail. Horses were buried in the ground all along the way. Some just up to their ankles, others to their knees or bellies, while still others only had heads up. The worst were the noses and ears, all still breathing, very much alive. My hands to my head, crying. The "nightmare" ended there.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Not one of our submarines is missing, in fact, it's submerged.
(Que up Thomas Dolby at present for your aural pleasure while reading this.)
Not many people think of them. Rest assured that U.S. military goes in and out of the 12 mile buffer around China and its "installations" with them as well as their planes and boats.
Yes, go to sleep at night in comfort, while you're awake, you can read The British online news about how the U.S. spy planes ( they don't say what kind of air craft ), are waved off in unsafe manner, by the Chinese fighter jets, while they, the Pentagon, release to the British press, that boats and planes patrol the 12 mile buffer zones. Yeah, never mind what subs are up to, and, why can't they keep their B-52's airborne? Why did that one in Guam dump it the other day?
The largest aircraft in the world landed late in Perth, Australia the other day, but a commercial Airbus, the bloated 737 type, just went down in the Mediterranean Sea. Why? How?
There's a super-sonic jet engine tested the other day, soon we'll be able to fly from Sydney to London in 2 hours. TWO HOURS!!! Think about it. And try to get some sleep. Good Luck.
Thursday, May 05, 2016
But please, realise this: As a "human being", the person observing, changing the thing observed, one has to then ask the then over whelmingly pressing question: What actually do we know, and, what "can" we 'know'?
With this here, Francis Scott suggests Literature has more culpability for why we do what we do than all these "rich" guys. Seems like we were wrong to presume Fitzgerald was picking a part life as the scheme as it is, and, since he too was one of them as it were, a "published" and paid author, he's no more our literary hero revealing the truth than yet another one of the disgusting teeming cocksuckers the world has yet seen fit to rid itself of.
It seems clear, we can trust no one. All are suspect. None should be trusted, even those and the work once held in such high esteem, especially over the norm and what we once thought of as the cabal of what is, and what they wanted you to believe.
These people should be fixed, broken, and NEVER again be given any more of our time. They are full of lies. They are scum of the most vile sort.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Here's The Thing
We hardly manage as it is. Why must we complicate things?
We've no tattoo's, implants, or mutilations. Our clothes though we still do layers when it's comfortable, fit well. That is to say, we could run in them without having to pull up and then hold onto pants to do so. Colors match or are complimentary. Only some times contrasting, but muted now, not like the harsh assortments we used to display. Nothing so gaudy or flashy anymore. That's about the only real change. It's rare we get just because of the "name", for the recog, as we were heavily into in our younger days. Most folks missed the points on us anyway, sad to say: 'pearls before swine'.
We just want space, a place, some things to do that can at least contribute a little bit socially. If not then definitely not done to harm. However we're not going to have to do everything in the world to please all manner of species and subspecies just to exist.
If LIFE can't figure out we want to be left alone, then LIFE, is fucking stupid!
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Since April Two Thousand Six
Friday, February 26, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Saturday, February 06, 2016
Lawsuit Complete
Friday, January 29, 2016
Inconclusive Crap
Friday, January 08, 2016
We'll Be Done In Just A Moment